Lobb’s Bulbophyllum { Bulbophyllum Lobbii }

May 23, 2010 § Leave a comment

Lobb's Bulbophyllum { Bulbophyllum Lobbii }

Lobb's Bulbophyllum { Bulbophyllum Lobbii }

The Bulbophyllum lobbii is one of about 2000 species in the genus, with many of them looking similar but for slight differences in colours. This one is widespread in Borneo, Indonesia, Peninsular Malaysia, and the Philippines at altitudes of 200 to 2000 meters in lowland and montane forests.

This epiphyte has pseudobulbs with one leaf and are well spaced on a coarse rhizome. It likes hot to warm growing conditions. The single leaf blooms on an inflorescense of 15cm (6 inches) long with just a single fragrant flower. The flower is 7.5 to 10cm (3 to 4 inches) across and blooms in late spring and summer.

Interestingly, the labellum works as an ellastic. When an insect lands there, it will move violently up and down, throwing the insect against the pollen which sticks on their back. At the conservatory where this orchid was photographed, the ranger helps in the pollination process by using swabs.

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